

EU Programme: Co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Coordination: Asociatia pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila - AESD (ROMANIA)

Participants: Asociatia pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila - AESD (ROMANIA)|ISQ (PORTUGAL) |MEATH COMMUNITY RURAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP LIMITED (IRELAND) |Speha Fresia (ITALY)|Bulgarian Development Agency Sdruzhenie - BDA (BULGARIA) |Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology - LTD - Cardet (CYPRUS)|Innoventum OY ( FINLAND)|University of Peloponnese - UoP (GREECE)

Starting Year:  2015 

Duration: 2017

ISQ Contact:

Areas: VET Projects


Acronym: CRE8IVE

Project Name: CRE8IVE – Creative Approach to Key Competence Building for Marginalized Young Adults

Grant agreement no: 2015-2-RO01-KA205-015354

Total cost: 25727,00€

Total funding: 25127,00€

CRE8IVE is an Erasmus+ co-funded project prioritising in strengthening education and training paths of educators and youth workers, providing them the appropriate preparation to start using creative arts in their professional practices.

The aim of CRE8IVE is:

  1. To support innovation in education for youth-at-risk
  2. To develop, test and pilot a suite of train-the-trainer materials that introduce youth workers and education staff to the use of digital media, storytelling, drama and music for the development of key competences;
  3. To encourage youth workers and educators to harness the potential of these creative tools;
  4. To support the re-integration of disadvantaged youth to formal education or employment and their progression as valued members of the European society;
  5. To support youth workers and adult educators to make full use of these creative areas;
  6. To ensure that youth with a non-traditional educational history can benefit from innovative pedagogic interventions;
  7. To ensure that youth acquires the key competences for an active citizenship and personal development.

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