
HSE-Joining 1


EU Programme: Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

Coordination: Vervolmakingscentrum voor lassers (BELGIUM)

Participants: European Federation for Welding Joining an Cutting (BELGIUM) |ISQ (PORTUGAL)|ISQ e-learning, SA (PORTUGAL)|Istituto Italiano della Saldatura Ente Morale (ITALY)|Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Sudura (ROMANIA)

Starting Year:  2016 

Duration: 2018

ISQ Contact: formacao@isq.pt

Areas: VET Projects



Acronym: HSE-Joining

Project Name: Health, safety and environment training curriculum development for joining technologies

Grant agreement no: 2016-1-BE02-KA202-017322

Total cost: 31631,00€

Total Funding: 30242,00€


HSE Joining project aims to assure safe work conditions in the joining professional sector. An employer must provide information, training and supervision in the field of health and safety for its workers, and the need for the presence of a person in charge having these responsibilities, is mandatory. The HSE Joining project intends to help dealing with this situation by developing an harmonised curriculum for training in joining, adjusted to the market (employment) needs and requirements, allowing a perfect match between the market demand, the job seek and the VET offer.

HSE Joining will develop four Intellectual Outputs that will include the Curriculum and the support materials for the implementation of training courses: IO1 – Harmonised Curriculum for HSE implementation in joining; IO2 – Educational materials; IO3 – Training assessment; and IO4 – Serious game on HSE. In this way, this project aims to address an increasing market need and the existing lack of harmonised training and qualifications in the field of HSE Training in Joining Technologies; to create an European Curriculum to harmonise and improve the quality of the training and qualification of personnel in this field, recognised at European level, having as a direct result the relevance of qualifications of HSE Training in Joining Technologies in the labour market; to develop Educational Materials, an Assessment Database and a Serious Game, making the training more appealing for both trainers and trainees and to enhance job opportunities in this field of expertise, where qualified personnel is sparse.

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