Move Up

Move Up 1

Move Up

EU Programme: Erasmus +



Starting Year:  2017 



ISQ Contact:


Acronym: Move Up

Project Title: Move Up – Boosting the Social Skills of Adults for Better Employability and Success at Work

Total Cost: 27998,67€

Funding: 27832,00€

Project will contribute to adults in developing their social skills therefore they will have better relations with their colleagues, employers and customers. They will also express their ideas and feelings better. Moreover, since the social skills include all kinds of communication means such activities as presentation, dispute resolution, time management, etc. users will be able to develop their work related social skills which will yield in better productivity at work. In addition to mentioned impact, following impacts are expected;

  • Adults will improve their social skills at work.
  • Unemployed adults will have better chance to find a job.
  • Productivity of adults will increase.
  • Many other work related skills of adults will increase.
  • Adults will gain knowledge on their skills and requirement of their jobs.
  • More efficient and peaceful working environment will be achieved for workers
  • Workers will gain self-conscious on their skill gap.
  • Adult Education Centres will have the training content for social skills development of adults.
  • Employers will have the knowledge on requirements of occupations.

The main results of the projects are:

1) The adults who seeks for the ways of improvement for their social skills will have a chance to use the platform

2) Enhanced working conditions for employers and employees will be obtained.

3) Rate of workers who wish to change their job due to lack of social skills will be decreased.

4) Employers will have a tailor fit and blended learning environment for developing their social skills.

5) Unemployed adults will have better chance to find job since they will be able to learn the necessary social skills.

6) Adults who cannot afford to get quality education on social skills will have opportunity to improve themselves in terms of social skills.

7) Synergies of the working places thus productivity will be increased because of the development of workers’ social skills

8) Since social skills basically means better communication, relations of workers among them and with their customers increased which yields in increase in the profitableness.

9) Adult education providers, counsellors, specialists, instructors and coaches and adult would have for nothing out of pocket stage on profession advising and social skills tools.

10) Employability of low-skilled adults will be increased.

11) Adult education centres will have the knowledge and training content on social skills therefore be encouraged to open such courses.

12) Since the portal will not ask the age of the beneficiaries, university students who have decided their career path can use the content.

13) A decrease in the unemployment level for adults will be obtained as they will be able to fit themselves to the needs of their current jobs.

14) Many work related social competencies of the worker will be enhanced.

15) Employers will be able to define their workers’ needs easily.

16) Unified definitions of social skills and skill needs for selected occupations will be obtained.

17) Employees adaptability to working environment will be increased.

18) Better relationship in family life will be acquired by adults with these skills.

A detailed description of the expected results has also been provided in other sections of this proposal.


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